Al Herback And Al Price
Baseball Builders - Inducted 2008
Al Herback and Al Price are former ball players and school teachers, who developed the Al & Al Baseball Program which combined their baseball experiences and their teaching expertise. With their first baseball clinic held in Calgary, Alberta in 1972, it taught children and their coaches about proper skill development, structured practices, and how to have fun playing ball. Since its humble beginning, their program has grown into the most internationally recognized education program for baseball and softball managers and coaches in the world.
Al & Al traveled to many cities across Canada during the 1980s with their Play Ball Program. They were featured on the Blue Jay and Expo telecasts with seventh inning tips, which included well-known commentators Duke Snider and Tony Kubek. In 1988, Al & Al were the first instructors invited to introduce baseball to the Soviet Union. The highest level of recognition for their work came when they were asked to present their program at the Williamsport, Pennsylvania Little League Headquarters to the college instructors who ran the summer camps. In the spring of 1996, the Al & Al Program was introduced to all districts in Little League in North America. A special accomplishment for two Canadians!
They left their teaching jobs in 1996 and dedicated their lives promoting and enhancing the game for both young players and their coaches. That year the Al & Al Baseball Program became the Official Education Program for all managers and coaches associated with Little League America. They have conducted clinics in over 300 cities in North American involving more than 150,000 coaches and managers. They have written five coach and player manuals along with producing one CD ROM and two DVD’S to complement their program. To date, thousands of leagues and over one million coaches, managers, players, and parents have taken advantage of their program. They have responded to several requests for building national baseball programs in various countries throughout Europe.
Al & Al received the 1998 Calgary Booster Club award as athletic leaders in the community.
After Induction
2017 - Al Herback was Inducted to the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame
Al Price, along with his son Scott, run training and development camps accross the country with Al's Business Big Al Baseball.